Find out why the colour of our CSR universe is blue and not green

At PREFERENCE EVENTS we have decided to choose the colour blue to represent our CSR universe and the organisation of our responsible events, and this choice is not trivial! We didn’t just want to stand out, this colour has a real environmental significance. Here’s the story…

On our planet, greenhouse gases such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) are essential for a viable atmosphere and for the planet to be habitable. Greenhouse gases (or GHGs) enable the greenhouse effect, which maintains an average temperature of around 17 degrees on Earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s surface temperature would be around -18 degrees. With temperatures dropping below -100 in many regions… It’s not easy to live in these conditions!


Since the beginning of time on our planet, over 4 billion years ago, there has been a natural GHG cycle, with a certain quantity emitted by living organisms and another quantity absorbed by living organisms. This cycle has always fluctuated, upwards or downwards, but over millions of years. Since the discovery of fossil fuels, we have completely disrupted this cycle…

We are now emitting far too many greenhouse gases, which is causing climate disruption. We are in the midst of an extremely dangerous warming phenomenon, the consequences of which we do not really know. The temperature has risen more in 200 years than in cycles lasting thousands of years. That’s the problem: with temperatures rising so quickly, living organisms don’t have time to adapt…

To regulate our planet, there are 2 natural carbon sinks that we absolutely must preserve so that the planet continues to regulate itself as much as possible:


OCEAN                                   FOREST


The oceans and seas represent more than 2/3 of the earth’s surface and 97% of available water. They are essential to global food security and human health. They are also the primary climate regulator (ahead of forests), absorbing part of the CO2 produced on Earth. In other words, the oceans and seas protect us.

To highlight our CSR commitments, we have therefore chosen to focus on the oceans and therefore the colour blue. For CSR commitments, the common colour is green… but we decided to stand out by choosing a direction with a strong meaning.

Blue is the ocean, but it’s also the sky… 2 horizons that allow us to travel. It’s a colour that’s totally in tune with our core business. In communications, blue is also the colour of appeasement, loyalty, stability and trust, all values that we put into practice every day.




Although our profession is evolving, we remain convinced that we can continue to make people dream through our responsible events, while respecting our environment.

responsible events, while respecting our planet for a purer, more sustainable future.

Now you know everything…